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Turtleskin*gloves are the latest development in safety glove technology.Offering the highest performance against punctures,cuts and abrasion ,they remain lightweight and comfortable,preserving hand dexterity and sensitivity of touch. Turtleskin* is patented fabric using an "aramid fibre" woven more tightky than has been achieved before.The result is a thin,"flexible" cut and puncture resistant materials,which exceed typical "aramid" gloves. 
*Can resist the puncture of a 0.05 inch (1.28 mm) needle under many        pounds of pressure.                                                                                *Offers mearly 5 times the cut resistant of standard "aramid" lined           gloves and over 25 times that of leather gloves                                         *Resists abrasion 11 times longer than leather and over 40 times longer     than "aramid" knit of equal thckness                                                         *Highest level of comfort,dexterity,grip and tactille sensitivity Excellent   puncture resistance to needle High level of cut and abrasion resistance 
*Features Turtleskin * protective lining for extension sharp protection 
* Hand wash and air0dry for extended life
*Suitable for general industrial safety.glass wood.plastic,masonry and mental hadling,rubbish collection and handling ,law enforcement.