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Home Â» Products Â»  D SHACKLE

A D shackle, also known as a chain shackle or dee shackle, is a U-shaped piece of hardware used in rigging and lifting applications to create secure connections with chains, ropes, or cables. It is named after its D-shaped design, which allows for easy attachment and detachment of the load.

D shackles are typically made from strong and durable materials, such as steel or stainless steel, to withstand heavy loads and harsh environments. They come in various sizes and load capacities to accommodate different lifting and rigging needs.

The D shackle consists of a body with a threaded pin or bolt that secures the two ends of the shackle together. The pin or bolt is inserted through the open end of the D, creating a closed loop to hold the load in place. Some D shackles have a screw pin, while others may have a bolt and nut for added security.

These shackles are widely used in various industries, including construction, maritime, manufacturing, and transportation. They play a critical role in lifting, rigging, and securing loads, making them an essential component in many applications where safe and reliable connections are required. Like any rigging hardware, proper inspection, maintenance, and adherence to safety guidelines are essential to ensure the D shackles' continued reliability and safety.